Sunday, November 13, 2011


I do not care if you give up on me
But do not give up on your kids
You see, they look up to you
Your daughter needs you when her heart gets broken
And your son needs you when he's got "big boy stuff" to handle
She needs you when I am not around to protect her
It is also your job to prove to her that she means the world to you
So she knows when she gets older, to never let a man treat her bad
And you have to show her that you'd move mountains for her
So she knows to keep her morals and standards high
He, your son, will need you to teach him how to put together his first bike
And than he'll want you to watch him ride behind him
 Or to help him with his science project so he can get an A
Can't you see that smile on her face?
And when she kicks her first ball
The joy of it going into the net, you capturing her first goal
Wouldn't that make you want to cry instead of sigh?
I know kids are a lot of work, but they deserve your love and attention too
Life gets hard when you add more to the plate, but the smiles, memories, and laughter make up for it
When, at the end of the day you can say, "That's my boy" or "thats my girl"
When they come running to you barely letting you walk in the door
You may want to crawl in bed and sleep
But seeing their smiles and hearing them say "daddy I missed you"
Wouldn't you be overjoyed knowing you created two of the most amazing and beautiful kids?

So my question is...

Why would you leave all of that?
Even if you never had what you are providing for your kids now
Why would you give it up for booze and women you cannot even remember their names?
She may make you smile now, but the feeling she gives you is only short term
The feeling your child can provide for you is everlasting
But there are nights he won't see that unless you tuck him in
Do not make her do all the work
She carried them for nine months, her body changed, mood up and down
Her hormones a mess, and her weight made her insecure
That is where you come in, don't make her feel less than
Make her feel like a queen
Remind her why you picked her
Because she is smart, successful, and can give you unconditional love more than once, she can give it to you three times
1. When she treats you right, you smile, laugh, and hug her so tight she knows she is your forever
2. When you see your little girl in her first dress, or tuck in her in at night, knowing she is safe and healthy
3. Your son, your pride and joy
He works hard to make you a proud father, so why should he wake up one day and find you gone?
Do not make him another statistic, instead, prove to him that he can beat the odds
Help him beat the odds
Do not let her fall through the cracks
Tell her you love her, and let her know she deserves the world

After all,
History should not repeat itself, we already know and have seen the damage done when fathers go missing
Please be the one to make the change, and not wish for change
Because we all know wishes do not always come true
So please, do not give up, but fight
Some battles are worth fighting and winning, and this is one battle you should fight to win


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